Love 2018

Every fall for the last several years a word would land in my spirit and it would quickly become the intention of the coming year. It was never planned but became a journey I felt called to. These words have been surprisingly so important in my life and are such a personal journey with God as the years pass. Words have always mattered to me and it’s so beautiful to experience how the Lord prepares my heart for the next season through a single word. Sometimes they’ve been an anthem, others a reminder when the days seem harder. 

2013: Whimsy (a pursuit of reclaiming joy after a year of grief and depression) 

2014: Courage (the song Oceans essentially defines this year - so much so I tattooed it on arm)

2015: Freedom ( All the scary beautiful things) 

2016: Phoenix (Collision of whimsy, courage and freedom - it was a year of rising up)

2017: Wellness & Wonder (both reminders and invitations to learning and experiences through change)

The word for this coming year is Love - and it’s made me uncomfortable from the moment I felt it. I don’t entirely know why, but I’m excited to lean into it. From loving myself with generosity and kindness, pursuing experiences and time that breathe wonder into my heart (there might be a trip to Italy and France in there!), and being present and thoughtful to those I've been given to love. 

I am adding to this year's vision to remain open and expectant for love in my life. With zero pressure to it, but the act of actively setting the intention already feels brave. 

2017, you were both really good and really hard in the kinds of ways that ensure I will hold onto parts of you forever. 

2018, may you be full of light, creativity, self compassion, thoughtfulness, adventure and love. 

Suzanna Hendricks